The Importance of Rehabilitation in Pediatric Care

Being able to speak with future chiropractors about the importance of integrating rehabilitation and corrective exercises into pediatric care was one of the greatest honors. To come back home where it all started and share it with Palmer-Florida students was the cherry on top!

You can’t just be a “sports chiropractor” or a “pediatric chiropractor” without those two worlds colliding at some point. I’d honestly argue that you can’t be one without the other. And with THAT comes a HUGE responsibility. A big thank you goes out to Active Rehab club and to Pediatrics club, and to those who were in attendance. Thank you for taking the time to learn more and for being so excited to work with babies, kiddos, and athletes of all ages.

For those who couldn’t be in attendance, I’ve recorded the lecture and have uploaded it here for you. If you’re a student and are interested in listening to the lecture, please fill out the request form below!

Thank you for allowing you to share my knowledge and passion. My doors are always welcome for students to shadow and I am always happy to help in any way that I can - I mean it.

In health,

Dr. Savannah Gardner


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